Replaced PT100 Mettler InPro4800/120/Pt100 Probe with Sensorex GT260 Glass-Body pH Electrode
The GT260 from Sensorex, part of the GT / GC series, is a replacement sensorex PH and ORP probe with a glass body used for Mettler probes. It stands as a substitute for InPro4800/120/Pt100 parts originally produced by Mettler. Boasting a 12mm diameter and 120mm length, the GT260 exhibits a temperature range from -5°C to 130°C. Despite lacking Ex-certification, it offers features such as a Pt100 temperature comp, a VarioPin connector, and a Ph range of 0…14. Advantageously, it accommodates double junctions with a PTFE material and is supplemented with a KCl gel reference solution.