The product in focus belongs to the category name: 'Replacement sensorex ph and orp probe with glass body for jumo probes'. This category is a subcategory under the parent category name: 'Gt / gc series glass-body process ph and orp electrodes'. The product reference is GT101 and is manufactured by Sensorex. It's a direct replacement for certain parts, which hold the reference 'JUMO tecLine HD 201021-10-12-04-18-120-000' and come from Jumo.
The same GT101 product offers a substitute for GT111 (salt reservoir). With Sensorex Ordercode, you can easily purchase or order the product. The key characteristic of this device is a pH Range from 0 to 14. It comes in a diameter of 12mm and a length of 120mm. The reference electrode is Ag/AgCl sealed, and the device has a single junction number made from a PTFE material.
The reference solution is KCl Gel, and the glass is bulb-shaped, making it convenient and easy to use. Another impressive feature of the product is its body material, made out of glass. This not only gives it a sleek design but also ensures durability and effectiveness. When it comes to the temperature range, it operates smoothly between -5°C to 100°C which accommodates a wide range of conditions.
The connector type utilized in this product is an S8 model for easy and flexible connection. In conclusion, the GT101 is a top-quality product from the 'Replacement sensorex ph and orp probe with glass body for jumo probes' category, under the 'Gt / gc series glass-body process ph and orp electrodes' parent category, and is a robust solution for pH and orp probes.