Replaced Sensorex pH Probe GG165 with E+H CPS91-3-BT-2-ESK Parts, VarioPin Connector
The product 'GG165' is a replacement Sensorex pH and ORP probe with glass body, belonging to the 'Gt / Gc series glass-body process pH and ORP electrodes' category, parent category being 'Replaced parts for h+e probes'. Manufactured by Sensorex, this probe is designed to replace the 'CPS91-3-BT-2-ESK' parts produced by E+H. The Sensorex order code for this product is against the same reference 'GG165'. Note that the Sensorex Sensor has Variopin Connector and does not use Top68 Connector. Additionally, there is no Ex-certification provided by Sensorex. Compatible with a pH range of 0–14, a diameter of 12mm, temperature range of -5–130°C, and a maximum pressure of 5 bar, the 120mm long, glass made probe body supports VarioPin Connector, Ag/AgCl as the reference system with an extended diffusion path of 40mm, Pt1000 as Temp Comp, Polymer as Electrolyte and 2 open pore as Junction.