GT200 Sensorex Glass-Bulb pH Probe, Replacement for CPS11-1-BT-2-ESA E+H Part

GT200 Glass Process pH Electrode Replacing CPS11-1-BT-2ESA, Manufactured by Sensorex


Product Category: Replacement Sensorex pH and ORP Probe with Glass Body for H+E Probes.

Subcategory: GT / GC Series Glass-Body Process pH and ORP Electrodes.

Product Reference: GT200, manufactured by Sensorex. It replaces CPS11-1-BT-2-ESA which is produced by E+H.

Order Code: GT200

Note: Sensorex Sensor has Variopin; Sensorex does not use Top68 connector. You may need additional cable. Sensorex does not provide Ex-certification.

Product Specifications:

Usage: Ideal for pH and ORP measurement in high temperature applications.

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The product under consideration belongs to the category name of GT200 in the parent category of Gt / gc series glass-body process pH and ORP electrodes, manufactured by Sensorex. It proudly takes on the product reference of GT200 and replaces parts from E+H. The replaced parts reference is CPS11-1-BT-2-ESA.

The Sensorex order code for this product is GT200 and presents with a specific deviation; the Sensorex sensor comes with a Variopin, deviating from the typical use of the Top68 connector. Additional cabling may be required. Please note, Sensorex does not provide Ex-certification.

Uniquely designed, it features a pH range of 0…14, making it a versatile tool. The physical characteristics include a diameter of 12 mm and a length of 120 mm. The reference is Ag/AgCl sealed, providing reliability and durability. This product includes a double junction number and is composed of PTFE junction material.

The device uses KCl Gel as the reference solution and consists of a salt ring. Apart from this, the glass bulb shape and body material emphasize its robust design and durability. The temperature range serviceable by this product is -5°C -130°C, making it ideal for a variety of different environments.

The product features a VarioPin connector and a KCL salt reservoir, making it a convenient tool. This is the perfect Replacement Sensorex PH and ORP probe with a glass body for h+e probes, designed to offer longevity and efficiency.

: EQUI2-3512
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