Electrodo de pH en Vidrio pH1400 de Sensorex - Medición Precisa para Aplicaciones Ligeras | Catálogo Dis

pH1400 - pH Electrode, Glass, Light Duty

Whether you are a student measuring pH in a lab or a business owner monitoring plant or crop health, you need a pH electrode that will consistently deliver accurate measurements. If you deal with a wide variety of chemicals or any aggressive substances, a glass probe like our pH1400 (formerly SG201C) is a safe choice due to the chemically inert properties of glass. This basic, single junction electrode has a refillable reference cell, allowing users to maintain measurement precision throughout the sensor lifetime.
  • Accurate measurements across full pH scale (0-14)
  • Glass body withstands harsh chemicals
  • Refillable reference for extended working lifetime
  • Use with any meter accepting BNC
  • One year limited warranty
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Whether you are a student measuring pH in a lab or a business owner monitoring plant or crop health, you need a pH probe that will consistently deliver accurate measurements. If you deal with a wide variety of chemicals or any aggressive substances, a glass pH probe like our pH1400 is a safe choice due to the chemically inert properties of glass. This basic, single junction electrode has a refillable reference cell, allowing users to maintain measurement precision throughout instrument lifetime.

  • Accurate measurements across full pH scale (0-14)
  • Easily maximize measurement repeatability: refillable reference cell with liquid solution
  • Maximum chemical compatibility: glass probe body is inert to most reactions
  • Compatible with a variety of pH meters: use this probe with any pH meter accepting BNC
  • Instantly ready for use: Shipped in storage bottle for long shelf life – guaranteed for one year
  • One year limited warranty: We stand behind all our products with the Sensorex Guarantee
CA ResidentsProp 65 WARNING(S)
: SENS2-2460
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