CAJIXXXXXX PH Electrode for Effluent/Groundwater/Pharma/Chemical/Petroleum Applications. Spherical membrane, up to 6 bars pressu
Introducing the CAJIXXXXXX pH electrode from ÉQUIPEMENT SCIENTIFIQUE TOSCHON. This electrode is perfect for EFFLUENT / GROUNDWATER / PHARMA / CHEMICAL / PETROLEUM APPLICATIONS, with a pH range of 0-12/0-14 and pressure resistance up to 6 bars at 25°C. The electrode features a borosilicate shaft, Teflon diaphragm, and optional built-in Pt100/Pt1000 sensors for temperature compensation. The reference system is SREF+ (Single Junction) or Ag/Ag Wire (Double Junction) with HGel+ filling solution or gel. The low noise coaxial cable comes with a Cap/TC* connector and BNC connector, or any other connector requested.